and make me wonder how time flies so fast these day..
so i keep asking myself, should i write again?? there's so many things i want to share for you guys and i think this is the best place for me to keep on writing.. why?? i keep things to myself often these couple days... i wish i can keep my distance away from people i know, i care and most importantly the ones i love..
you see, i cared too much and that is very negative things i dose to myself.. why you ask... this is the toxicity that i keep on growing inside me.. this feeling is so toxic!! once i care, i always care. and i don't even care if they don't do the same things toward me.. i don't care if they hurt me, they're leave me, they use me for they own benefits! if you asked me, 'hey eqah, just ignore them, you'll be okay again later..' if only i can do that..
you see, i've try my best to keep my distant away from them. hey, if you're asking me is the guy is the one that you're waiting for a long time ago?? nope!!! i'm falling in love. i felt in love with someone i haven't met.. someone that always appeared in my dream hey eqah! please come back to you sense!!!
sign* well, i also don't know how, when, why do this feeling came sudden, and i keep on thinking about him every single time.. i always wanted to care about him, i always wanted to ask about his day, i wanted to ask how is his day going, is everything okay.. i wanted to be beside him.. but come to think about it, i felt thats going to be impossible. ha ha ha. who am i kidding right??
he doesn't care about me anyway... i am just someone he knows.. no one.. oh i am no one for him.. hmm, its okay anyway...
maybe, ALLAH put this feelings for me, and maybe there's a reasons for it.. it's okay to feel this feelings again, how it's feel to missing someone, the feelings of hurt when you've been ignore.. the feeling of fall in love.. that's the sweetest feelings ever.. haaa~ it's okay dear heart, bare it just for a while.. just this period of time.
hey eqah, you'll be okay.. don't worry :)
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